Hobbs & Olson Salt Lake City Attorneys
AV Rated -- the Highest Available Rating
Listed in Best Lawyers -- the World's Premier Guide
Utahcondolaw -- Your Source for Utah Condominium Law and Information

Our Commitments to the Bar

We are committed to always conduct ourselves in a professional and dignified manner.

We are committed to always treat other counsel with professionalism, and we will keep abreast of and comply with the highest applicable standards of professionalism, including the Lawyers’ Creed of Professionalism.

We are commited to sharing our skills and knowledge with other lawyers, through service on bar committees, and presentations to fellow members of the bar on all issues, including but not limited to employment law, probate litigation, condominium and HOA law, construction defect litigation and other areas of property law.

The Lawyers Creed of Professionalism