Hobbs & Olson Salt Lake City Attorneys
AV Rated -- the Highest Available Rating
Listed in Best Lawyers -- the World's Premier Guide
Utahcondolaw -- Your Source for Utah Condominium Law and Information

Recent Successes

Over the years, we've had hundreds of successful resolutions for our clients, including by helping them to avoid disputes, helping them promptly resolve disputes that do arise, and, when necessary, successfully trying their cases. Some of our more significant and recent successes include:

In the Spring of 2011, following a bench trial, the judge awarded an easement for the delivery of water to our client, the owner of agricultural property in the Rose Park area. The defendants have appealed, but we are confident in our ability to defend against the appeal and have the judgment upheld.

In 2010, we recovered a jury verdict for the recovery of an earnest money deposit on behalf of a client who deposited money for the purchase of commercial real estate property. When the seller failed to produce requested documents, the sale failed. Thereafter, the seller refused to return the $300,ooo earnest money deposit. The jury entered a verdict, in our clients favor, resulting in the return of her deposit.

The 2010 settlement of a construction defect case, involving a condominium association in West Jordan, for a sum in excess of $1 million. The settlement was preceded by several unsuccessful motions, including a motion to dismiss, a motion to compel arbitration, and several filed (but never decided) motions for summary judgment.

The successful recission of a real estate purchase contract, after the developer materially breached the contract. This case was won on a motion for summary judgment; the developer appealed, and the Utah Supreme Court affirmed the decision, also affirming the award of our clients' attorney fees.

The successful defense of a pro se unit owner's efforts to rescind his membership in a homeowners' association; the owner sought to avoid his membership, as part of an effort to avoid his assessment obligations. In connection with the dismissal of his contentions, the judge awarded all of the fees that had been incurred by the association.