Hobbs & Olson Salt Lake City Attorneys
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Utahcondolaw -- Your Source for Utah Condominium Law and Information

Risk Management and Insurance

For many years, Lincoln Hobbs has been teaching risk management and insurance courses, all around the United States, for the Community Associations Institute. In connection with that teaching, and in connection with his annual attendance at the College of Community Association Insitute's annual law conference, he has become very familiar with and knowledgeable about all aspects of condominium and HOA insurance.

In its 2011 session, the Utah Legislature significantly modified Utah's Condominium Act and Utah Community Association Act's insurance provisions. Associations can and should take advantage of these amendments to modernize their association's and unit owners' insurance options, to reduce the expenses associated with insurance.

To register for a low-cost seminar on your association's options under the new law, visit our Utahcondolaw blog. Or, if you want to skip the seminar and just improve your association's risk management practices, give us a call or send an email.

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